Key facts
- Protects nearly 39,000 hectares of tropical rainforest
- Enhances the lives of rural forest communities through the implementation of health and educational programs
- Hosts an incredible amount of endangered birds
More info
The Envira Amazonia project protects 39,000 hectares of tropical rainforest alongside the Jurupari River, near the city of Feijó in the state of Acre, Brazil. A highway built in the 1980s has consistently increased deforestation and development pressure in the area, especially for cattle ranching. The project was formed in response to these pressures.
It prevents the emission of more than 12.6 million tonnes of CO2, preserves an extraordinary amount of biodiversity – especially rare birds – and directly benefits local communities.
Landowners are implementing many activities to assist communities and mitigate deforestation pressures, such as agricultural support, deforestation patrols, and sustainable economic alternatives.
Project Photos
Project Impacts
Community Development
The project is working to establish alternative sources of income and employment opportunities for residents through offering agricultural extension training courses, granting residents land tenure, employing locals as deforestation patrollers, and operating programs to commercialize the collection, transport and sale of medicinal plants and açaí. Work is also underway to increase local water quality and improve farming conditions by retaining topsoil and controlling erosion.
Emissions Reductions & Certifications
Envira Amazonia will prevent the emissions of 12.6 million tonnes of CO2 over the first 10 years of its 30-year lifetime, validated and verified under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS). It has also achieved CCB Gold status for exceptional biodiversity and community benefits.
Endangered Species
The region hosts an extraordinary amount of tropical, endangered, and/or endemic birds, such as the blue-headed macaw and Amazonian parrotlet. The project also conserves habitat for threatened tree species such as bigleaf mahogany.
Compliance Reporting
Verra Project ID: 1382
Documentation: Envira Amazonia Verification
(required by CA AB1305)